Information for Grant Partners

Changes to your project

We understand that projects are dynamic and that sometimes you may need to redirect your resources and staff if circumstances change. If you anticipate a significant change or delay to your planned activities, outcomes or budget please contact us at the earliest opportunity so that we can discuss this. This includes an over or under spend of more than 10% on any budget lines. Any significant changes to the agreed grant use will need to be approved by Educational Opportunity Foundation. Failure to do so may result in freezing or terminating the remainder of your grant.

Further funding

Existing Grant Partners are unable to apply for further funding until your final report has been submitted and approved. Once this has been done, you may reapply in any upcoming funding rounds.

Educational Opportunity Foundation does not fund existing projects and are therefore unable to support requests for the continuation of existing grants. All new applications must be either for a new project or distinct new phase.


All Grant Partners are required to submit either six monthly or annual interim progress reports depending on the value of the grant, and a more detailed final report. The reporting schedule will be confirmed in the Grant Offer Letter. All reports must be submitted on our online report form and details of this will be emailed to all grant holders about a month before the report is due.

A financial report will need to be submitted with every interim and final report, and an updated project logframe will need to be submitted with each end of year interim report and final report.

Upon satisfactory receipt of each interim report, the next tranche of funding will be released.

Please be aware we revised the questions within our interim and final report forms in early July 2023.  Our aim is to make it quicker and easier for grant holders to complete, but we would welcome any feedback on how it could be improved further.