Our members and the charities we fund maximise education for all through innovative projects.
All our work is driven by our vision of educational opportunity for all.
How we pioneered inclusive teaching, and then teacher training to benefit children around the world.
Meet our President, Vice-President, Trustees and Staff
Role and benefits of being a Member
Supports UK and International projects.
Restricted funds which accept specific applications.
Reporting requirements, further funding, and more.
How we work with other funders to maximise impact.
Case studies of the projects we fund.
Find out about the difference we make
Role and benefits of becoming a Member.
Most important collection on 19th-century elementary education and and teacher training.
18 May 2023
Outgoing President sees no relief from issues forcing people from their homes
12 May 2023
We are delighted to introduce our President, Estelle Morris and our Chair, Jane Creasy, who bring a wealth of experience to their new roles at BFSS. We also welcome five elected Trustees
3 May 2023
Our Annual Report explains how in 2022 we topped all records by awarding new grants worth over £1.5 million and launched our new Displacement Education Fund to help alleviate the impact of conflict on the education of refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people.
2 May 2023
Celebrating 10 years since we gifted the Archive to Brunel University, the team look back on their achievements including in teaching, cataloguing, sharing, and welcoming back volunteers.
20 April 2023
We have awarded six new grants from a wide range of countries: Tanzania, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Kenya and England.
31 March 2023
We have awarded nine new grants from a wide range of countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Thailand and Myanmar, Ethiopia, Iraq, Rwanda, India and England.
30 November 2022
Grant Holders Workshop 2022 hears how taking small steps on sustainability can make a difference
7 November 2022
We received 94 applications for the October grants round. Ten were accepted by the Grants Committee, three UK and seven international projects.
21 October 2022
The British and Foreign School Society has funded support for children in a refugee camp in Syria, and language support for Ukrainian refugees to the UK, among the first awards from a new £1million Displacement Education Fund.
22 June 2022
We received 69 applications for the May grants round and nine projects were accepted by the Grants Committee, two UK and seven international projects. Nine projects were awarded funding including support for care-experienced young people in Wales and providing education for Rohingya refugees