UK criteria and eligibility

Scotswood Forest Schools project

UK criteria and eligibility

Educational Opportunity Foundation supports work that aims to improve the educational outcomes and life chances of care experienced young people (under the age of 25 and living in the UK).

Funding is available for one to three years. We will fund between £30,000 to £90,000 per project (maximum £30,000 per year for multi year projects). Funding is available for new or pilot projects, or projects which have started in the past 12 months.

Annual grant payments cannot exceed 50% of an organisation’s 3-year average income. Educational Opportunity Foundation will fund between 25% to 100% of the total project costs, but will give preference to projects with some degree of matched funding.

We will fund projects which:

Improve educational outcomes

Including the support of care experienced young people to attend and engage in mainstream school life, improving access to out of school support and improving education professionals understanding of their needs.

Improve life chances

Including improving the support for care experienced young people (aged 16-24) to access further education, employment or training opportunities and improving support for them to remain engaged with these opportunities.

Educational Opportunity Foundation does not usually fund:

Projects which are not designed specifically for the needs of care experienced young people; long term projects; services which are available through the state education system; summer camps; bursaries, school fees or scholarships; expeditions, volunteering trips and conferences; international travel; projects where transport or running costs are the main expense.

Who can apply:

UK registered charities with an income normally between £25,000 and £2.5 million.

Charities must be financially sound and registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator or the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.

Charities must have at least three years of continuous accounts submitted to the relevant UK Charity Commission or Regulator.

Organisations should be directly involved in the provision of the project activities. We do not fund organisations whose primary purpose is fundraising.

Ready to apply?

Applications are now open for 2025 grants.

The Grants Committee meets at regular intervals throughout the year and therefore we accept Stage 1 applications on a rolling basis.