Educational Opportunity Foundation Grant Giving Charter
We appreciate your interest in Educational Opportunity Foundation and understand that fundraising is not easy. This is why we have created the Educational Opportunity Foundation Charter which sets out our commitment to you. Our Trustees are proud of the care taken in considering applications and we thought you would like to know the principles we work by so that, whatever the outcome, you can be confident in our approach.
Our commitment to you
- Every application received is acknowledged so you know it has been received and is in the process of being assessed.
- Every application considered receives notification of the outcome.
- Every eligible application is considered by the Director and is reviewed against publicly available grant criteria by a Grants Committee of Trustees. Large applications are finally approved at an Educational Opportunity Foundation Council meeting.
- Your application will receive careful attention and, whilst we would like to fund many more projects than we have budget for, it is inevitable that some good applications will be unsuccessful.
- We will take note of the amount of funding requested but we do not work on an ‘all or nothing’ basis and may provide support at a different level from that requested.
- We are respectful of your time and resources so that we will only request additional information when we think it forms an important part of your overall proposition so you can be confident you have done all you can to make your case.
- Educational Opportunity Foundation expenditure is managed carefully to ensure that at whatever meeting or time of year your project is discussed, it will have the same opportunity as at any other meeting.
- Any correspondence needed for us to fully understand your request will have been completed beforehand the Grants Committee meeting.
- On making a decision to approve a grant application we will quickly provide a formal letter outlining the amount, the timing of payments and our reporting requirements.
- Reporting guidelines are kept as clear and uncomplicated as possible to ensure we remain up to date with your work while minimizing the administrative burden for your organisation.