New grants awarded – May 2022
We received 69 applications for the May grants round and nine projects were accepted by the Grants Committee, two UK and seven international projects.
Nine projects were awarded funding including support for care-experienced young people in Wales and providing education for Rohingya refugees
UK grants awarded:
- Hub for Success through Edinburgh Napier University were awarded £90,000 for their three-year project to reset fair access for care experienced students: sharing their learning and ensuring they deliver a co‐ordinated approach to fair access in our schools.
- Voices from Care Cymru were awarded a grant of £87,591 over three-years for Clwb Llwyddiant/Success Club, a homework and life skills clubs supporting care‐experienced children, aged 14‐18, in south‐ east Wales through GCSE to A‐level and beyond.
International grants awarded:
- Team Kenya were awarded a grant of £49,041 over two years for their project investing in Equality of Education for Girls: Addressing the Gender Gap.
- AfriKids UK were awarded £60,000 for their three-year project aimed at improving access, retention rates, and the quality of education for children at risk of dropping out of school in rural northern Ghana.
- Children on the Edge were granted £60,000 over two years to provide primary education for Rohingya refugees on Bhasan Char Island, Bangladesh.
- Toybox were awarded £60,000 over three years for their project STReet Intervention for Protection and Education (STRIPE) in West Delhi.
- Joshua Orphan and Community Care were awarded £56,357 over three years for their project Bridging the gap, offering early years and primary education in three Malawian villages.
- Tushinde Children’s Trust were awarded £58,785 over three years for school outreach: creating a safe learning environment for children in the slums in Kenya.
- Made With Hope were awarded £15,933 for one year for a project at a school in Tanzania, to construct improved toilet facilities, train teachers and provide workshops for pupils and parents about menstruation and sexual health. It aims to reduce days missed from school by girls when managing their periods.
Published: 22 June 2022