Grant Impact Report 2020
Benefits reported this year are spread across 15 countries to more than 42,000 young people, 2,300 teachers and 67,000 indirect beneficiaries in families and communities whose lives have been improved.
The past year has been unique as the Covid-19 pandemic had a serious impact on roll out of projects, causing disruption and delays. Despite that charities have adapted to ensure their work continues to transform the lives of disadvantaged children in the UK and around the world. It makes the final completion of many projects all the more impressive as it often involved rapid innovation, including switching to community-based or online teaching after schools were forced to close around the world.
Benefits reported this year are spread across 15 countries to more than 42,000 young people, 2,300 teachers and 67,000 indirect beneficiaries in families and communities whose lives have been improved as a result of grants from the BFSS. In years to come these projects will continue to bring benefit to the lives of countless more people.
More than two-thirds of the projects reported this year focused on inclusion or improving the quality of life of disadvantaged and vulnerable young people, which is an area we are increasingly encouraging grantees to prioritise. Employability and work skills were a key area. In the UK five completed projects supported looked after children and young carers.
Among the many projects covering school construction or refurbishment and the provision of books and resources, are some that continue to focus on the very basics of health and well-being that contribute so much to improved school attendance and educational progress, including sanitation and good hygiene.
Published: 15 April 2021